4 Things To Expect From Your Fertility Evaluation


Nearly 25% of infertility issues are due to ovulation, while about 15% of infertility issues in men are due to a lack of sperm or poor quality of sperm. Age plays a vital role in fertility. If you are a healthy couple in their 20s or early 30s, you have about a 25%-30% chance of getting pregnant in a single menstrual cycle. But, there is a sharp decline in your ability to conceive by the time you are past 37 years. Male fertility also declines with age, but it is not that predictable. You should go for a South Charleston fertility evaluation if you have trouble getting pregnant for more than 12 months. A fertility evaluation is a process that involves medical exams and various tests to determine the cause of infertility in you or your partner.

For instance, genetic testing is vital for determining the potential impact of gene mutations on your fertility. Your fertility evaluation specialist may also perform hormone testing, essential for establishing whether an imbalance in reproductive hormones is causing your failure to conceive. Consequently, below are a few things you can expect when you go for an appointment to evaluate your fertility.

Examination of fallopian tubes or the womb

Your fallopian tubes may prevent you from becoming pregnant because they are damaged or blocked, which prevents sperm from coming into contact with the egg. Thus, there is no fertilization and embryo creation.

The blocking or damage of the fallopian tubes may be due to a pelvic inflammatory disease or a previous surgical procedure done on the pelvis or abdomen.

Also, you may have a double uterus or uterine fibroids and polyps that can cause infertility.

Analysis of semen

Your inability to conceive may also happen because your partner does not have adequate semen. More than 40% of infertility issues are due to low sperm count in men. Your health provider can analyze the sperm count, quality, shape, and movement.

Often a man will have a low sperm count if a milliliter of semen has less than 15 million sperm.

Check for Diseases

Some common diseases, such as inflammation of the liver and sexually transmitted infections, may make it impossible for you to become pregnant and make you more at risk of miscarriages. And when you become pregnant and have HIV, hepatitis, and sexually transmitted infections, you can infect the fetus.

Review thyroid hormones and prolactin production

If you have low levels of thyroid hormones, there will be interference in the release of the egg from the ovary, which affects your fertility. A condition that may cause less thyroid hormone production is pituitary disorders.

Higher or lower levels of thyroid hormones may also promote miscarriages.

Prolactin is a hormone from the pituitary gland located at the base of your brain. The hormone is responsible for growing breasts and milk production during pregnancy and after birth.

Excessive prolactin, caused by a pituitary gland tumor, can make you unable to get pregnant.

Contact Patel & Patel, M.D., Inc. today to book an appointment with a specialist in fertility evaluation.

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