Free Radicals and Our Fight against Those with Medicine


Free radicals no longer seem like a term that is hard to connect with. With so many discussions about these atoms, they have got the status of the enemy to youth. It is nothing magical of some sort as it has a scientific explanation. Though many might be unaware of the whole scientific details regarding free radicals, these have been continuing to ravage our appearance. 

As our age advances, our appearance keeps on changing. The signs of aging start to become very prominent and we lose the luster that we had. While aging is a natural process, some people see the signs early while some enjoy a bit longer youthful appearance. One of the reasons for aging appearance is the free radicals. These atoms within our body work to ravage it rather than protect it.  

These are the atoms having an incomplete outer shell that they look to fill. Atoms fill their outer shells with electrons and pair with other atoms when the shell is not complete. An atom having a full outer shell is a stable one that does not need to pair up with any other atom. But the absence of electrons makes an atom unstable looking for other atoms to pair with. These unstable atoms that are produced by our body are called free radicals. 

Oxidative stress

As oxygen molecules split into single atoms having an incomplete outer shell, they look for other atoms to pair with. This process is called oxidative stress. As the amount of free radicals increases in our body, oxidative stress also keeps on increasing. This is what causes aging-related issues like wrinkles. With age, the number of free radicals increases in the human body causing more oxidative stress and damage to cells. While it leads to a normal aging process, some outside influences are causing the human body to produce more oxidative stress like smoking, alcohol consumption, fried food, and exposure to various toxic elements. Changing food habits, and lifestyle and including medicines can help the body with these unstable atoms. 

Antioxidants to the rescue

Along with free radicals, antioxidants have garnered enough attention as well. They are the molecules that donate electrons to the free radicals making them more stable. Losing this electron does not turn the antioxidant into a free radical and it does not cause any trouble to the cells. Antioxidants can be found in both food and medicine. One such medicine is acetylcysteine. To answer the question what is acetylcysteine (acetylcysteine คือ, term in Thai), it is capable of eliminating free radicals, toxins, and phlegm. Research has found that this compound has detoxifying effects on the human body. While it gets rid of the phlegm, it can give the human body a chance against free radicals if administered properly. 

As a medicine, it has many uses and must be used according to the prescription of a licensed medical professional. This compound can be key to fighting free radicals damaging cells within the body. A lesser amount of oxidative stress would result in better cells and a more youthful appearance. 


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