The Lesser Known Benefits Of Lip Augmentation


Lips are the most noticeable feature of a human face. It not only adds up to your beauty, but it also gives your face an attractive look. People with perfect lips are often considered more desirable, making them even more beautiful.

But many of us there are not blessed with great genes. Moreover, they also face problems like dropping lips or having thicker lips. Hence, in this situation, it is best to consider opting for a treatment to fix the problem of dropping lips. These days you get a wide variety of treatments available in the market, from which you can pick one that will suit you.

What is a lip augmentation? (ปากกระจับ คือ, which is a term in Thai) is one of the most promising treatments, which can be used to get the most successful results. It gives your lips a perfect shape and helps you to boost your confidence level. Therefore if you are planning to go through this treatment, you will be benefited from this article.

What Are The Methods Of Lip Restructuring Surgery?

Chestnut lip surgery is mainly performed in two ways. You can pick either one of the methods to undergo this procedure. Both of these methods are well known for giving excellent results. Let’s take a look at these two methods.

·       Filler Injection

Many people are scared to perform any kind of medical surgery. Hence going through the lip filler treatment procedure helps them get back their sweet looks without undergoing any lip surgery. In this procedure, they use injections to give your lips that fuller and complete look.

Typically the injections are inserted in the corners of your lips or at the desired area from where you want your lips to be fuller. The lip filler injection treatment is well known for giving the best results to people, and it will last you quite some time. However, the results might differ from one person to the other.

·       The Surgical Process

Chestnut surgery is the second option to get that perfect chestnut, like lips .These days, you can easily find a good clinic where this procedure can be performed without any casualty. They use modern medical treatment procedures, ensuring you get the best results.

At the lip augmentation, they use anaesthesia on the part where the surgery is about to be performed. The expert doctors will use various tools to line your lips to the shape of a chestnut. Both the structure of the upper and the lower lips will be aligned, ensuring that the restructuring of your lips is successful.


So if you are also looking to restructure your lips, then chestnut surgery can be helpful for you. They always ensure you get the best in class service. The safety and satisfaction of the patients are always given the top priority. Most importantly, they ensure you get maximum results from this treatment.

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